· Medical
· Print
  Prepress equipment
  Printing equipment
· Special washing machines for the PCB industry
Address:Wang Jing Industrial Park, Suzhou City
Phone:13616278963(Wang Weibiao)

Service tenet:
We strive to provide better service for users, allowing users easy and pleasant work. Customer satisfaction, 100% carefully designed, 100% Care achievements users 100% satisfaction, 100% peace of mind. Dedicated service, not only the business of their own business needs, but also a commitment to user service guarantee.

Service commitments:
First of all, we guarantee the quality of the product, after all, the product is bought used, rather than buy repair. "Upon selection, the percentage of satisfaction is built on the basis of product quality, high standards. Occasional fastest solution for the user, reducing the user's trouble. Us to cultivate an excellent technical team responsible for maintenance services, but we hope they are the company most "free".

Address:Wang Jing Industrial Park, Suzhou City Phone:13616278963(Wang Weibiao) Phone:(86)512-66390880(Sell)
Fax:(86)512-66208105  Http:www.proud.cn  Email:wwb888555@163.com